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Patients with chronic pain only.
Pseudo-scientific policy to only prescribe irradiated flower medications, claims of max. 25% THC.
Claims of clinicians dictating which medications patients must buy/use without allowing full formulary access.

Company Registration Details

This organisation is listed on Companies House as IASO Ltd, further details on then link below.

British Crown Icon View on Companies House

Care Quality Commission Report



Report Published on 6th May 2022

Preferred Pharmacy

Curaleaf® Pharmacy Logo

To the best of our knowledge Curaleaf® Pharmacy is the default pharmacy patients are referred to for this clinic.

Project Twenty21

This clinic offers Project Twenty21 from Drug Science, a scheme discounting cost of medication for patients participating in medical research.

Opening Times

9:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am to 5:00pm
Clinic DescriptionPatient Reviews

About Leva

Ease your chronic pain with our team of specialists and get back to what you love. We provide premium care for people with persistent pain.

We are founded on decades of research and expertise around the most effective ways to work with pain. We have hand-picked the UK’s leading clinicians to ensure you have a seamless, stress-free experience. At Leva, we focus on movement, medication, and mind throughout your pain journey.

  • A 360° treatment approach: mind, movement, medication.
  • Your own personal pain team including a doctor, physio, and clinical psychologist.
  • A bespoke care plan based on your goals.
  • Flexible online consultations when you need support.

Leva Clinic is participating in Project Twenty21, the largest observational medical cannabis research project in Europe.

Clinic Price List

Sign-Up Consultation £99.00
(or) Swap to Clinic Free
General Consultation £99.00
Repeat Prescription Free

Information on Appointment Pricing

It costs £99.00 for an initial sign-up consultation at Leva as a new patient, existing CBPM patients currently registered at other clinics can switch for a reduced cost of £0. Generally, most clinics will offer a free initial screening assessment; sometimes by online questionnaire, in other cases simply by calling and talking to clinic staff about your specific condition(s).

Each general consultation at this clinic costs £99.00, which is required a minimum of every 3 months for long-term patients after repeat prescriptions inbetween. New patients are often required to have a specialist follow-up after their first consultation to check for adverse reactions and generally suitability, there is the possibility additional will be required dependent on specific patient circumstances.

This clinic offers completely free repeat prescriptions of previously prescribed medication(s).

Further Information & Patient Sign-Up for Leva

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  Information provided is partially community sourced and may be outdated or otherwise incorrect. Please report any inaccuracies found by email.

NHS LogoFurther National Health-Service Information on Cannabis-Based Products for Medicinal Use (CBPMs)