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Volunteering for MedBud™

Helping Staff the UK's Leading Medical Cannabis Resource

Due to the recent MHRA ruling that websites must validate patient accounts to access certain information on prescribed cannabis products in the UK, MedBud™ will soon require extra support to facilitate managing our website, accounts and published information going forward.

For the past two years MedBud™ has solely been developed and updated by its founder, who's under increasing daily demand to keep up with information updates. To-date over 30 patients have offered to volunteer for MedBud™, we'll shortly be opening up applications to figure out who's best suited to helping push our organisation forward.

MedBud™ has a vital duty to protect private patient information, and has been drafting a robust legal 'volunteer agreement' document in liaison with our presenting legal firm to ensure we can continue to safe-guard 'special category' data under European GDPR, while taking on external volunteers to help with data processing as required to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of our accounts system.

MedBud will not bias, limit or discriminate between volunteer applications based upon:

Further details on our new volunteer programme will be available shortly.

This page was last updated: . Please email MedBud with any required updates or corrections.

  Information provided is partially community sourced and may be outdated or otherwise incorrect. Please report any inaccuracies found by email.

NHS LogoFurther National Health-Service Information on Cannabis-Based Products for Medicinal Use (CBPMs)