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Details provided are based upon best-known information made available to MedBud, please reconfirm with your pharmacy. This page was last updated:
MedBud typically only updates products when availability changes, or new information is provided. An availability status from several months ago can still be valid when a product remains in/out of stock, or has been discontinued.

Dosing Look-Up Table (Estimated)

0.01/g2.2/mg THCTrace CBD
0.05/g11/mg THCTrace CBD
0.1/g22/mg THCTrace CBD
0.15/g33/mg THCTrace CBD
0.2/g44/mg THCTrace CBD
0.25/g55/mg THCTrace CBD
0.3/g66/mg THCTrace CBD
/gCalculate THCCalculate CBD

Please note values above are based on registered THC/CBD percentages, subject to ±10% allowed variance. Values provided are 'best case', losses to air during vaporisation or combustion will always occur.

Medication Details

United Kingdom Therismos
Access GRG T22
Grape Galena
Indica Hybrid
Type I: High THC
Flower Provided
Trimmed Whole Flower
THC Potential Range (±10%)
CBD Potential Range (±10%)
Cultivated/Produced by
South Africa SafriCanna
Cultivated in
Flag of South Africa South Africa
Monograph Conformity
Imported by
United Kingdom Therismos
Imported as
Schedule II: Finished Product
Packaged in
Flag of South Africa South Africa

Stock Availability

We provide stock/pharmacy information only for use by medical cannabis patients, clinicians and pharmacists*.

Best-Known Status: Late October

We try to ascertain stock status strictly based on the importer/distributor supplying pharmacies. Availability at individual pharmacies will differ.

*Cannabis is a controlled-substance and can only be legally dispensed upon submission of a valid prescription from a prescribing clinic, ordinarily listed.

Main Partner Pharmacy

Pharmacy Distributor

Dispensing Patient Pharmacies

Product Description Video Reviews3 Patient Reviews

About Grape Galena

Grape Galena is here to give you a fruity explosion of grape flavour. With terpene content landing at 4%, this unique Cake & Caviar bred strain is dominant in Limonene, Myrcene, and Linalool.

Cake & Caviar Logo

Bred by Canadian Flag Cake & Caviar

Nurtured at the prolific “Mother Labs” these with flowers that are vibrant green and purple, on top are the dense silver crystals which make this strain so popular.

Information provided could come from a third-party source, and likely does not accurately reflect characteristics of the medication we're associating it with - we primarily provide these descriptions for those interested in strain lineage and history, which could also be inaccurate. Any information which could be taken as medical advice should be strictly disregarded. Please consult your doctor regarding the suitability of medications for your condition(s).

United Kingdom About Therismos Ltd

Therismos Logo

We pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional client experience, ensuring our partners, patients and healthcare professionals receive a bespoke service catered to their needs.

We are a team of experts from diverse backgrounds encompassing pharmaceutical supply chain management and medical cannabis brand building.

We’re all driven by the same simple desire for Therismos, to represent an open door that clients, customers and partners will want to step through.

As a company, we know we will be measured by our human-to-human interaction as much as the quality of our product.

  Information provided is partially community sourced and may be outdated or otherwise incorrect. Please report any inaccuracies found by email.

NHS LogoFurther National Health-Service Information on Cannabis-Based Products for Medicinal Use (CBPMs)