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Company Registration Details

This organisation is listed on Companies House as Via Clinic Ltd, further details on then link below.

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Care Quality Commission Report

Pending Inspection

Pending Inspection
Pending Inspection
Pending Inspection
Pending Inspection
Pending Inspection

Registered on 7th April 2021

Preferred Pharmacy

IPS Pharma Logo

To the best of our knowledge IPS Pharma is the default pharmacy patients are referred to for this clinic.

Project Twenty21

This clinic offers Project Twenty21 from Drug Science, a scheme discounting cost of medication for patients participating in medical research.

Opening Times

9:00am to 5:30pm
9:00am to 5:30pm
9:00am to 5:30pm
9:00am to 5:30pm
9:00am to 5:30pm
Clinic DescriptionPatient Reviews

About Via

The Via Clinic is conveniently located in the heart of Surrey, with easy connections by road and rail. There are two other sites where patients can also be seen, The Priory Woking and Life Works in Old Woking.

Happiness? So difficult to define, so easy to say, sometimes so difficult to do. At different points in our lives we all experience the unexpected, sometimes for the better and unfortunately sometimes for the worse. At these times, getting that bit of extra help can make all the difference. Why struggle alone when a wealth of experience is available?

As Psychiatrists in Surrey, the Via Clinic, specialises in a wide range of psychiatric conditions including stress, depression, anxiety, panic disorder, eating disorders, postnatal depression and alcohol related conditions. We offer an array of services; one to one sessions with a therapist or consultation with a psychiatrist, group therapy, specialist day programmes, ongoing courses or referral for over-night admission. For those unable to attend our psychiatric Surrey clinic for counselling we can offer remote assistance on the telephone or by video call.

As Psychiatrists covering Surrey, consultations and therapy can be offered at any one of three locations; The Via Clinic in Headley, just outside Epsom, the Priory hospital at Woking or Life Works community in Old Woking, or the Roehampton Priory near Richmond in Surrey. Each of these offers our clients a tranquil setting, providing a retreat from everyday life, enabling patients a chance to focus on overcoming the challenges that face them. The Via Clinic, being qualified psychiatrists in Surrey, understands the pressures of life and work, therefore we offer flexible appointment times, including weekends, usually within five days of initial contact. Crisis appointments are also available.

Our team of specialists and those we refer to, including doctors, other Surrey psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, dieticians and therapists are qualified, accredited, fully insured, and recognised by most major private medical insurance companies. They are well established and respected in their own fields and adhere to the code of ethics for their disciplines. We aim to offer the highest standards of care, providing a personal service to our clients.

Clinic Price List

Sign-Up Consultation £365.00
(or) Swap to Clinic £175.00
General Consultation £170.00
Repeat Prescription £30.00

Information on Appointment Pricing

It costs £365.00 for an initial sign-up consultation at Via as a new patient, existing CBPM patients currently registered at other clinics can switch for a reduced cost of £175.00. Generally, most clinics will offer a free initial screening assessment; sometimes by online questionnaire, in other cases simply by calling and talking to clinic staff about your specific condition(s).

Each general consultation at this clinic costs £170.00, which is required a minimum of every 3 months for long-term patients after repeat prescriptions inbetween, this clinic also requires a consultation for each new medication requested. New patients are often required to have a specialist follow-up after their first consultation to check for adverse reactions and generally suitability, there is the possibility additional will be required dependent on specific patient circumstances.

This clinic charges £30.00 for each repeat prescription.

Further Information & Patient Sign-Up for Via

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  Information provided is partially community sourced and may be outdated or otherwise incorrect. Please report any inaccuracies found by email.

NHS LogoFurther National Health-Service Information on Cannabis-Based Products for Medicinal Use (CBPMs)