Details provided are based upon best-known information made available to MedBud, please reconfirm with your pharmacy. This page was last updated: MedBud typically only updates products when availability changes, or new information is provided. An availability status from several months ago can still be valid when a product remains in/out of stock, or has been discontinued.
Dosing Look-Up Table (Estimated)
1.9/mg THC
Trace CBD
9.5/mg THC
Trace CBD
19/mg THC
Trace CBD
28.5/mg THC
Trace CBD
38/mg THC
Trace CBD
47.5/mg THC
Trace CBD
57/mg THC
Trace CBD
Calculate THC
Calculate CBD
Please note values above are based on registered THC/CBD percentages, subject to ±10% allowed variance. Values provided are 'best case', losses to air during vaporisation or combustion will always occur.
We provide stock/pharmacy information only for use by medical cannabis patients, clinicians and pharmacists*.
Best-Known Status: High (10KG+)
We try to ascertain stock status strictly based on the importer/distributor supplying pharmacies. Availability at individual pharmacies will differ.
*Cannabis is a controlled-substance and can only be legally dispensed upon submission of a valid prescription from a prescribing clinic, ordinarily listed.
Information provided could come from a third-party source, and likely does not accurately reflect characteristics of the medication we're associating it with - we primarily provide these descriptions for those interested in strain lineage and history, which could also be inaccurate. Any information which could be taken as medical advice should be strictly disregarded. Please consult your doctor regarding the suitability of medications for your condition(s).
About Portocanna S.A.
Hexacan® is a European medical cannabis supplier. Our pharmaceutical-grade products are meticulously crafted, ensuring superior standards of excellence. We've established a reliable supply chain to ensure quality and consistency over time.
Discover our trusted cannabis products, where stable, high-quality genetics meet the finest Iberian agricultural produce.
Coming soon, this feature is currently under active development.
YouTube Video Reviews
We do not endorse patient reviews, any claims on perceived medicinal properties should be treated as one individual's personal experience and not factual information. Patients treat a widely varying range of conditions, with differing individual responses to both cannabinoids and terpenes.
No video reviews published, please email us any missing YouTube reviews.