Ultimately creating The Nedcann Standard for Medicinal Cannabis production. With our many years of experience and know-how, using state of the art equipment and techniques, we cultivate pharmaceutical-grade Medicinal Cannabis and provide it on-demand, throughout the whole year, on the worldwide market, especially to the European pharmaceutical industry.
Nedcann's goal is to become the leader in establishing the standards for indoor production of Medical Cannabis and help set the framework for future cultivators and producers in the mission to provide the safest product for the patients.
The worldwide market for Medicinal Cannabis is growing rapidly. We are focusing on countries leading the way in production and use of Medicinal Cannabis products, like Germany, Italy and Denmark. Scientific evidence show a correlation between the usage of products derived from Medicinal Cannabis and positive results in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, pain during cancer, phantom pain, side effects of treatment with chemotherapy/radiotherapy, insomnia, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and others.
Our Medicinal Cannabis, grown exclusively indoors in controlled environment, meets all the legal guidelines regarding the production of medicinal products. Nedcann produces Medicinal Cannabis following the European guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and the requirements for GLOBAL GAP compliance. Patient’s safety and health without any concessions are the main focus of our work and they are set as the core value of our company.
In the effort to provide the best quality of Medicinal Cannabis products to the patients worldwide, we have partnered with Perfect Plants. With over 40 years of bio-genetics experience in the global tissue culture industry, Perfect Plants currently produces over 30 million plant & tissue culture products per year for over 100 customers in the Netherlands.