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£100 charge for first follow-up consultation.

Company Registration Details

This organisation is listed on Companies House as Resilience Medicine Clinic Ltd, further details on then link below.

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Care Quality Commission Report

Pending Inspection

Pending Inspection
Pending Inspection
Pending Inspection
Pending Inspection
Pending Inspection

Registered on 30th June 2021

Preferred Pharmacy

Specials Pharma Logo

To the best of our knowledge Specials Pharma is the default pharmacy patients are referred to for this clinic.

Project Twenty21

This clinic offers Project Twenty21 from Drug Science, a scheme discounting cost of medication for patients participating in medical research.

Opening Times

Clinic DescriptionPatient Reviews

About Resilience

Live a bigger life. World leading experts in integrative and cannabinoid medicine.

At The Resilience Medicine Clinic our approach to health is different. We specialise in treating complex multi-symptom conditions which affect mood, energy, mental function (brain fog), stress, pain, sleep and digestion.

We offer a variety of integrative medicine treatment options alongside medication including medical cannabis and our main goal is to dramatically improve your quality of life and sense of wellbeing. We are a virtual clinic and see patients online from all over the country.

Our Founder, Dr Dani Gordon created the Resilience Medicine system based on a decade + experience treating thousands of patients with integrative medicine (IM) and medical cannabis (MC).

Early in her medical practice in Canada she specialised in long term chronic conditions and found most patients improved significantly more when integrative programs including diet, nutraceuticals and mindbody approaches were added to drug therapy.

After adding medical cannabis (MC) to her practice, she found even her most difficult to treat patients experienced dramatically improved quality of life and relief from symptoms. Significantly, they were more able to engage with their integrative programs, often with life changing results.

Clinic Price List

Sign-Up Consultation £299.00
(or) Swap to Clinic £149.00
General Consultation £149.00
Repeat Prescription £29.00

Information on Appointment Pricing

It costs £299.00 for an initial sign-up consultation at Resilience as a new patient, existing CBPM patients currently registered at other clinics can switch for a reduced cost of £149.00. Generally, most clinics will offer a free initial screening assessment; sometimes by online questionnaire, in other cases simply by calling and talking to clinic staff about your specific condition(s).

Each general consultation at this clinic costs £149.00, which is required a minimum of every 3 months for long-term patients after repeat prescriptions inbetween, this clinic also requires a consultation for each new medication requested. New patients are often required to have a specialist follow-up after their first consultation to check for adverse reactions and generally suitability, there is the possibility additional will be required dependent on specific patient circumstances.

This clinic charges £29.00 for each repeat prescription.

Further Information & Patient Sign-Up for Resilience

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  Information provided is partially -sourced and may be outdated or otherwise incorrect. Please report any inaccuracies found by email.

NHS LogoFurther National Health-Service Information on Cannabis-Based Products for Medicinal Use (CBPMs)