MedBud™ is a non-profit organisation founded in January 2022, we've survived so far solely from the generosity of donations to the organisation. We practice an extremely transparent funding model, whereby we publish our entire accounts as a public ledger; while noting whether we've been donated to by patients, or members of the industry as best understood ourselves.

We've had two calls for donations so far, the first in February 2022 kept us funded throughout our first 6 months until September 2022 - with our second call for donations in November 2022 carrying us through until June 2023. Due to the strength of donations so far, we have managed to completely rule-out allowing companies to advertise as a funding method.

Current Recurring Expenses: ~£290/pm (Staff Currently Unpaid)

We've published our expenses and donations to-date below. MedBud wishes to always keep enough capital to always facilitate 3 months of expenses upfront, as well as eventually launching a merchandise range promoting medical cannabis legality.

The Foundation Fundraiser (Launching '4/20')

For over a year we've independently tracked and monitored all medications sold, as well as the companies involved in prescribing, dispensing and producing cannabis-based medications. We provide essential medical information, often in lieu of other authoritative sources being made available to patients.

Today, we're ultimately depended upon as an independent authority while having no official mandate to do so, and we understand MedBud is depended upon by thousands today as a public resource.

Our current informal set-up is unsustainable in the long-run, with our founder giving more than full-time hours in an entirely unpaid volunteer position. While we've made clear our plans to incorporate as a non-profit entity, we've been hesitant to take the next step - due to all the extra expense/overheads then involved in maintaining the site.

We're looking to raise funds to:

We're hoping that income from the sale of merchandise can provide a stream of revenue to the organisation going forward, whereby eventually its founder and at least one other permanent staff member can be paid a sustainable salary for their work maintaining and updating our website. We want MedBud to survive and prosper.

Current Donation Methods

We are only able to accept donations from companies and organisations as a 'non-biding research grant' which neither implies nor offers any future influence over our organisation, but will be used to further our impartial industry research.

All donations by default are treated as anonymous, and will be published as such - if you wish to specifically be credited for your donation publicly, please let us know:

Please note we currently are not listing PayPal transaction fees for donations, which will be backdated in the future.

Date Reference Amount (Often Currency Converted) Balance
16/01/22 Domain Fees -£5.24 -£5.24
01/02/22 Server Fees -£6.21 -£11.45
01/02/22 Bitcoin Donation (0.00023379 BTC) - Patient +£5.60 -£5.85
13/02/22 PayPal Donation - Patient +£20.00 £14.15
19/02/22 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.00 £19.15
23/02/22 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £29.15
24/02/22 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £32.15
16/01/22 Ethereum Donation (0.00856899 ETH) - Patient +£16.76 £48.91
01/03/22 Server Fees -£6.30 £42.61
01/04/22 Server Fees -£6.41 £36.21
01/05/22 Server Fees -£6.68 £29.53
01/06/22 Server Fees -£6.73 £22.80
01/07/22 eMail Fees -£0.80 £22.00
01/07/22 Server Fees -£6.73 £15.27
01/08/22 eMail Fees -£0.82 £14.45
01/08/22 Server Fees -£6.89 £7.56
19/08/22 Founder Loan +£250.00 £257.56
19/08/22 Cannabis Industry Council Annual Membership (90% Discount as a Non-Profit Organisation) -£240.00 £17.56
01/09/22 eMail Fees -£0.86 £16.70
01/09/22 Server Fees -£7.22 £9.49
01/09/22 Founder Loan +£10.00 £19.49
01/10/22 eMail Fees -£0.90 £18.59
01/10/22 Server Fees -£7.54 £11.05
01/11/22 Founder Loan +£10.00 £21.05
01/11/22 eMail Fees -£0.87 £20.18
01/11/22 Server Fees (Upgrade Due to Demand, Partial Month) -£20.29 -£0.11
13/11/22 PayPal Donation - Industry Member, Personal Donation +£512.00 £515.70
13/11/22 PayPal Donation - Patient +£50.00 £565.70
14/11/22 Founder Repayment (Thank You!) -£270.00 £295.70
14/11/22 Registered Office & Mail Forwarding Fees (Annual) -£78.00 £217.70
17/11/22 PayPal Donation - Patient +£250.00 £467.70
18/11/22 Non-Profit Organisation Application Fee -£27.00 £440.70
01/12/22 eMail Fees -£0.82 £439.98
01/12/22 Server Fees -£44.47 £395.42
08/12/22 PayPal Donation - Patient +£100.00 £495.42
17/12/22 Domain Renewal (Annual - -£17.96 £477.46
18/12/22 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.24 £482.70
21/12/22 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.00 £487.70
31/12/22 Twitter Blue -£7.93 £479.77
01/01/23 Server Fees -£49.97 £429.80
01/01/23 eMail Fees -£0.82 £428.98
03/01/23 PayPal Donation - Industry Consultant +£100.00 £528.98
11/01/23 Bitcoin Donation (0.00104295 BTC) - TheTinyCannabisClub™ +£14.95 £543.93
01/02/23 Server Fees -£48.79 £495.14
01/02/23 eMail Fees -£0.81 £494.33
09/02/23 Twitter Blue -£7.92 £486.41
01/03/23 Server Fees -£49.97 £436.44
01/03/23 eMail Fees -£0.83 £435.61
02/03/23 Dedicated Server Rental (Incl. Setup Fee) -£153.58 £282.03
09/03/23 Twitter Blue -£8.12 £265.99
01/04/23 eMail Fees -£0.81 £265.18
02/04/23 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 £192.75
19/04/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.00 £197.75
19/04/23 Twitter Blue -£7.77 £189.98
19/04/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £199.98
21/04/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£25.00 £224.98
21/04/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £234.98
23/04/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£50.00 £284.98
26/04/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.00 £289.98
26/04/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £299.98
27/04/23 Domain Registration ( -£2.66 £297.32
27/04/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£25.00 £322.32
01/05/23 eMail Fees -£0.80 £321.52
01/05/23 Dedicated Server Rental -£70.27 £251.25
01/05/23 Donation Processing Fees (April) -£2.65 £248.60
04/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.00 £253.60
05/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £263.60
07/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.00 £268.60
07/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.00 £268.60
07/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.90 £279.50
10/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £289.50
10/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.70 £295.20
11/05/23 Google Maps API Fees -£105.62 £189.25
11/05/23 PayPal Donation - Releaf UK +£346.79 £536.37
11/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£25.00 £561.37
12/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.70 £567.07
12/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£26.48 £593.55
13/05/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£21.29 £614.84
21/05/23 Twitter Blue -£7.75 £607.09
01/06/23 eMail Fees -£0.80 £606.29
01/06/23 Donation Processing Fees (May) -£8.22 £598.07
02/06/23 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 £525.46
09/06/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £535.46
17/06/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£20.00 £555.46
22/06/23 Twitter Blue -£7.57 £547.89
01/07/23 eMail Fees -£0.79 £547.10
02/07/23 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 £474.49
11/07/23 Google Maps API Fees -£16.19 £458.30
12/07/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£25.00 £483.30
15/07/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£12.00 £495.30
24/07/23 Twitter Blue -£7.49 £487.81
26/07/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £490.81
26/07/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£26.48 £517.29
01/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.90 £528.19
01/08/23 eMail Fees -£0.83 £527.36
01/08/23 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 £454.75
01/08/23 Donation Processing Fees (June) -£0.97 £453.78
04/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £456.78
08/08/23 Google Maps API Fees -£26.32 £430.46
10/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£25 £455.46
10/08/23 PayPal Donation - Kerry Davis (Patient) +£25 £480.46
10/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£14.93 £495.39
11/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£104.39 £599.78
11/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£21.29 £621.07
12/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.90 £631.97
13/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £641.97
15/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£26.48 £668.45
18/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£25.00 £693.45
24/08/23 Twitter Blue -£7.87 £685.58
25/08/23 Bank Donation - Industry Member +£1,000.00 £1,685.58
25/08/23 Cannabis Industry Council Annual Membership (90% Discount as a Non-Profit Organisation) -£240.00 £1,445.58
26/08/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £1,448.58
01/09/23 Google Maps API Fees -£49.29 £1,399.29
01/09/23 eMail Fees -£0.79 £1,398.50
01/09/23 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 £1,325.89
01/09/23 Donation Processing Fees (August) -£5.60 £1,320.29
04/09/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £1,323.29
17/09/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £1,333.29
24/09/23 Twitter Blue -£7.84 £1,325.45
25/09/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.90 £1,336.35
27/09/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£11.11 £1,347.46
30/09/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£26.48 £1,373.94
01/10/23 eMail Fees -£0.83 £1,373.11
01/10/23 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 £1,300.50
01/10/23 Donation Processing Fees (September) -£1.40 £1,299.10
01/10/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £1,302.10
04/10/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £1,305.10
06/10/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £1,308.10
09/10/23 Google Maps API Fees -£76.13 £1,231.97
17/10/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £1,241.97
17/10/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£26.48 £1,268.45
24/10/23 Twitter Blue -£7.89 £1,260.56
30/10/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.90 £1,271.46
31/10/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £1,274.46
31/10/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.90 £1,285.36
01/11/23 eMail Fees -£0.83 £1,284.53
01/11/23 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 £1,211.92
01/11/23 Donation Processing Fees (October) -£1.23 £1,211.92
02/11/23 Google Maps API Fees -£83.25 £1,128.67
04/11/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £1,131.67
13/11/23 Registered Office & Mail Forwarding Fees (Annual) -£78.00 £1,053.67
14/11/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £1,063.67
17/11/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £1,073.67
23/11/23 Domain Renewal (Annual - -£22.66 £1,051.01
24/11/23 Twitter Blue -£7.77 £1,043.24
24/11/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.90 £1,054.14
24/11/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£4.50 £1,058.64
01/12/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £1,061.64
01/12/23 eMail Fees -£0.83 £1,060.81
01/12/23 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 £988.20
01/12/23 Google Maps API Fees -£73.20 £915.00
01/12/23 Donation Processing Fees (November) -£0.41 £915.00
04/12/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £918.00
04/12/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.70 £923.70
17/12/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£26.48 £950.13
17/12/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £960.13
22/12/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £970.13
22/12/23 Zendesk Suite (2 Users) -£118.00 £852.18
24/12/23 X Premium -£7.87 £844.31
24/12/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£5.00 £849.31
26/12/23 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £852.31
01/01/24 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 £779.70
01/01/24 Google Maps API Fees -£59.27 £720.43
03/01/24 PayPal Donation - Patient +£50.00 £770.43
03/01/24 Donation Processing Fees (December) -£1.17 £769.26
04/01/24 PayPal Donation - Patient +£3.00 £772.26
04/01/24 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.90 £783.16
08/01/24 PayPal Donation - Alternaleaf Clinic +£519.94 £1,303.10
08/01/24 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.90 £1,314.00
09/01/24 PayPal Donation - Patient +£20.00 £1,334.00
09/01/24 PayPal Donation - Curaleaf® via Rokshaw Labs +£420.00 £1,754.00
16/01/24 Backup Storage Rental -£3.26 £1,750.74
17/01/24 PayPal Donation - Patient +£10.00 £1,760.74
18/01/24 Bank Donation - 4C Labs +£500.00 £2,260.74
18/01/24 PayPal Donation - Cantourage +£710.00 £2,970.74
22/01/24 Zendesk Suite (2 Users) -£118.00 TBC
24/01/24 X Premium (Estimated - $9.60) -£8.00 TBC
01/02/24 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 TBC
01/02/24 Google Maps API Fees (Estimated) -£90.00 TBC
16/02/24 Backup Storage Rental (Estimated) -£3.50 TBC
22/02/24 Zendesk Suite (2 Users) -£118.00 TBC
24/02/24 X Premium (Estimated - $9.60) -£8.00 TBC
01/03/24 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 TBC
01/03/24 Google Maps API Fees (Estimated) -£90.00 TBC
16/03/24 Backup Storage Rental (Estimated) -£3.50 TBC
22/03/24 Zendesk Suite (2 Users) -£118.00 TBC
24/03/24 X Premium (Estimated - $9.60) -£8.00 TBC
01/04/24 Dedicated Server Rental -£72.61 TBC
01/04/24 Google Maps API Fees (Estimated) -£90.00 TBC
16/04/24 Backup Storage Rental (Estimated) -£3.50 TBC
22/04/24 Zendesk Suite (2 Users) -£118.00 TBC
24/04/24 X Premium (Estimated - $9.60) -£8.00 TBC
25/08/24 Cannabis Industry Council Annual Membership (90% Discount as a Non-Profit Organisation) -£240.00 TBC
01/11/24 Domain Renewal (Annual - - Estimated) -£20.00 TBC
13/11/24 Registered Office & Mail Forwarding Fees (Annual) -£78.00 TBC

  Information provided is partially community sourced and may be outdated or otherwise incorrect. Please report any inaccuracies found by email.

NHS LogoFurther National Health-Service Information on Cannabis-Based Products for Medicinal Use (CBPMs)